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National Science Foundation

News posted on the NSF website
  1. Researchers have developed a safer and more sustainable method for extracting cobalt and nickel from junk materials. Both elements are critical components in the lithium-ion batteries that power many technologies central to modern life. More…
  2. The U.S. National Science Foundation honors individuals recognized by the president of the United States with prestigious White House awards. These include the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST), the…
  3. A U.S. National Science Foundation-supported team recently solved an enduring physics enigma, revealing new information about how X-rays form during thunderstorms. Starting in the 1960s, scientists noticed a strange occurrence. When they performed…
  4. U.S. National Science Foundation-supported research shows that caribou will optimize their migration path based on their collective memories. Caribou are the most abundant large mammal species on land in the Arctic. They are not only an important…

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