Welcome to You Ask Andy

Albert Pierce, age 14, of Pittsfield, Mass., for his question:


A "Seabee" is a member of one of the United States Navy's construction battalions. The name Seabee is taken from the first letter of each word of the group's official name: Construction Battalion.

The first battalion of Seabees was authorized on Jan. 5, 1942. Since World War II, the Seabees have been made a permanent part of the Navy.

Seabees have built bases from the tropics to the North and South polar regions. Their work projects include airfields and waterfront facilities.

Most of the World War II Seabees were experienced carpenters, plumbers, electricians and engineers who left civilian jobs to join the Seabees. They picked up a "Can Do" reputation on such islands as Guam, Guadalcanal and Tarawa.



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