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Linda Smith, age 9, of Woodward, Okla., for her question:


Doctors suggest that often a nosebleed can be stopped by pinching the nostrils together gently for about four minutes, so that the clots have time to form.

A cold compress made of towels or other cloth can be wrung out in cold water and placed at the back of the neck as another way to stop the nose from bleeding.

Another suggestion made by many doctors is to place a pad or roll of paper or cloth inside the upper lip, above the teeth, and to press  this roll or pad from the outside with a finger.

If bleeding continues, doctors say, the person should be seated with his head over a chair back and cold compresses should be applied over his nose. A doctor should be called to treat a severe nosebleed and the nose should be plugged with gauze, with an end left hanging out.



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