Welcome to You Ask Andy

Joan Greene, age 17, of Decatur, I11., for her question:


The youngest knight of King Arthur's Round Table was a handsome young man named Galahad. He and all of the other noble knights were not real people but are part of a famous medieval legend.

Galahad was the son of Lady Elaine and Sir Lancelot, another of Arthur's knights. He was just 16 years old when he presented himself at Camelot and asked to be made a knight. He was called the "Good Knight" and all revered him for his purity of heart.

The knights went in search of the Holy Grail, the cup that was supposed to have been used at the Last Supper and given to Joseph of Arimathea by Jesus Christ. Because he was the most virtuous and dedicated of all the knights, Galahad was the one who finally found the cup.

Galahad always performed chivalrous deeds. He carried a white shield that had a red cross on it.

Galahad's legend ends as angels carry his soul to heaven.



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