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Adam Ohlrich, age 12, of Santa Rosa, Calif., for his question:


    Horatio Alger was an American writer who turned out 120 extremely

popular books for boys. Born in Revere, Mass., he graduated from Harvard College in 1852 and then later from the Harvard Divinity School.

He became a teacher and journalist and lived in Paris for a time. At the age of 30 in 1864 he returned to Massachusetts and became a Unitarian minister. Then two years later, in 1866, he moved to New York City, where he became the chaplain for the Newsboys' Lodging house, a home for young foundlings. It is here that he started to write his books.

All of his stories showed that a poor boy who is honest, works tiara and has courage can overcome many difficulties and be successful.

Alger's "Ragged Dick" series of books were the most popular. Also widely read were his "Tattered Tom" and "Luck and Pluck" books. Most of his heroes started out as poor newsboys who went on to win fame and fortune.

More than 30 million of Alger's books have been sold.



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