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Janice Robinson, age 13, of Old Fort, No.Carolina, for her question:

How did the American Constitution get started?

Robinson Crusoe lived alone on an ocean island. He could do just what he wanted to do just when he wanted to do it. The rest of us, if we wish to live peaceably, must learn to get along with our neighbors near and far. To solve this problem smoothly, a majority of us agree to abide by some system of government. When America was a young nation, the Founding Fathers laid down a plan for its system of government in the United States Constitution.

The American Colonies severed connections with England because they did not approve of the British system of government. However, the leaders of the Revolution were wise and enlightened men who knew that some system of government for a society of people is necessary. So the Founding Fathers strived to draft the fairest and the most sensible system of government in all history. They wrote down the basic structure in a few simple paragraphs and called it the Constitution of the United States.

One might say that it is based on these two key points, fairness and common sense. The men who wrote it down did not use these words because they assumed that this is what sensible citizens take for granted. But when you read their words, you can tell that they solved each problem by asking themselves two questions.. Is this a sensible, workable solution based on ordinary common sense? Is the solution fair to the majority of the people?

This sounds simple. But the task of framing the Constitution was enormous. Actually, it began with a first try that did not work too well. In 1781, the new nation drew up the Articles of Confederation. This charter gave the Congress no power over interstate trade or money. Under this system, separate states set taxes and tariffs against each other. They also made their own coins and the money value changed between here and there.

Obviously a stronger central government was needed to solve such problems, but it had to be one that allowed all reasonable freedoms to the states and to individuals. This project was inspired by two brilliant and energetic men    Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. They suggested a meeting of state delegates in Philadelphia's Independence Hall.

The 50 or so delegates to the meeting worked through the summer of 1787. General Washington presided, Madison and others kept notes of the debates. The seven articles were written down and the magnificent Constitution was completed September 17, 1787.

Of course there is much more to the historic story. The original Articles of the Constitution state the working structure of government, the relationships between its branches and between the states. The basic charter was ratified by a majority of the states June 21, 1788. Their approval depended upon a promise to add a Bill of Rights, outlining individual freedoms. These Amendments, like the Articles of Constitution, also are based on fairness and workable common sense.


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