Welcome to You Ask Andy

Donald ttansfeld, age 14, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,for his question:

Why is California called the Golden State?

There are several reasons, some more civilized than others. In the 1800's, feverish folk rushed from around the world, hoping to get rich quick by finding precious gold in California. No doubt you agree that this is not the most civilized reason to nickname California the Golden State. Rest assured, there are better ones. One is the sunshine that brings so many bright golden days. Another is the miles and miles of sandy beaches, where the Golden State dips her golden toes in the blue Pacific.

But for Andy, the best reason is the grass which in California, believe it or not, is golden through most of the year. When the rains arrive, the prairies and valleys, the gentle slopes of the Coastal Range and even the high mountains burst forth in grassy green. But soon the golden sunshine returns and the green grass turns yellow, covering the whole scene with shawls and carpets of golden velvet.



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