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Reinhard Herrera, age 12, of Phoenix, Arizona, for his question:

What is meant by Judo?

Judo is short for jujitsu, the name of a favorite Japanese sport. Originally it was developed as part of the training of the samurai, Japan's special warrior class. Its object may be self defense, combat or merely a series of mental and physical exercises to keep the body in good condition. The various motions somewhat resemble a wrestling game. However, the art of judo is based on strategy, rather than the use of force. Balance is a key factor in the various moves.

Host young Japanese practice judo as a regular part of physical training. However, teachers and experts in jujitsu must live a strenuous life of training and concentration. Since World War II, several forms of judo have become popular in many countries. In 1953, judo was officially accepted in the United States. The rules of the game are set down by Kodokan College, the jujitsu center of instruction in Tokyo.



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