Welcome to You Ask Andy

Ivan Naylor, age 9, of Elkview, West Virginia, for his question:

 What exactly is the Hall of Fame?

The Hall of Fame for Great Americans was started in 1900, 68 years ago. It was planned to honor men and women who have added to the long lasting greatness of our country. You may visit the building at New York University in New York City. You will find the bronze busts of those who belong there in a graceful outdoor corridor. The roof stands on stately granite pillars and the half circle of marble corridor has no walls. The statues stand in niches between the pillars, each with a name and dates to tell when the person lived.

This good idea deserved to be copied. Medical science has two Halls of Fame to honor great surgeons and scientists. Bowling and boxing, tennis and football each have a Hall of Fame to honor famous players. Perhaps the most famous in the world of sports is the Baseball Hall of Fame. We now have halls of fame to honor famous Indians and Senators, mer¬chants and cowboys and many others.



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