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Frank Tamborallos, age 12, of Houston, TX for his question:

What is a_protozoan?

The word protozoan is coined from two older words meaning first and animal. This fellow is the simplest of all animal life a single celled creature. He belongs in the first animal classification Phylum I, Protozoa. It is most likely that he is just like his remote ancestors, who are the very first animals to appear on the earth.

There are countless numbers of these little creatures in the world, most of them too small for our eyes to sea. There are even countless different varieties of protozoa which is the plural farm of protozoan. Each protozoan is a small miracle in itself. With only a tiny single call for a body it manages to eat, move around and even hand on life which is the plural farm of protozoan. Each protozoan is a small miracle in itself. With only a tiny single call for a body it manages to eat, move around and even hand on life.



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