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David Bumgardner, age 13 his  question:

How long would it take to fly to Pluto?

Little Pluto chugs around the rim of the Solar System. Its orbit is an oval path and each yearly trip around it is equal to 248 earth years. Its average distance from the sun is 3,670 million miles. But this distance varies from 2,766 million miles to 4,567 million miles. Cur distance from the sun is about 92 million miles. And as we orbit around we are sometimes on the same side of the sun as Pluto and sometimes on the opposite side.

The shortest distance between the earth and Pluto is 2,673 million miles. A space ship traveling at 1,000 miles an hour could cross this distance in about two years. Traveling at a million miles an hour a ship could reach Pluto in less than four months.



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