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Jay Moya, age 9, of Anaheim, California, for his question:

How high is the Capitol Building in Washington?

To an American, the great Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. is without doubt the noblest and most beautiful building in the world. There also is no doubt that history rate it among the world's greatest buildings. Wide white steps lead up to stately white columns and there stands the Capitol's front door. It is a huge double door made of bronze with handsome panels that picture scenes from the story of Christopher Columbus. The Senate chamber and the House of Representatives stretch one on each side, like a pair of twins. From end to end, the two wings of the buildings are 751 feet wide. In the center is the Capitol Dome, with its circles of graceful white columns and arches standing one upon the other.

On the very top of the dome there is    a statue of Freedom. This is the highest point of the Capitol Building. The head of the noble statue stands 304 feet above the level of the ground. The great building where Congress meets stands proudly in a wide park. Twelve wide streets and avenues run out from the park like the spokes of a wheel and the lofty dome of the Capitol can be seen from afar. in all directions.



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