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Bobby Nowkriitnf ago 11, of Garland Texas for his question:

Why does a dog turn around before he lies down?

The dog has been in the world a long time. He was here millions of years before the coming of the human family. For most of his history he was an animal of the wilds. He loved to roam the prairies and stalk his prey through the tall grasses.

Certain habits added to his comfort and safety in the wilds, He could not burrow and he could not climb trees. So he had to make his bed on the ground. He would turn around and around in a small circles beating the grasses into a little round mattress. It was comfortable and it was safe. If he had just flopped downs he would have made a break in the grasses that could be seen from afar. When he made his little round bed he did not disturb the patterns of light and shadow in the grasses. His enemies could not spot him unless they stumbled upon him.

Our dog today has kept many of his wild habits. Maybe he figures he will need them sometime, It is more likely he doesn't know he has them. He turns around and around on the rug before bedding down because so many of his ancestors did it before him. The ancient habit makes him feel comfortable and safe.


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