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Kathrine Heron, aged 10, of Rochester, NY, for‑her question:

How come a giraffe’s neck is so long?

A horse has a longish and graceful neck, A cow has a short neck just long enough to turn her head around. The giraffe has the longest neck in the world. It may be all of seven feet long. Yet the giraffe has no more‑bones, in his neck than does the horse or the cow. However, each of his neck bones is bigger and much, much longer.

For some things, the giraffe’s neck is not long enough. For others it is just right. A big giraffe, the tallest animal in the world, may stand twelve feet at shoulder level. This means his seven foot neck is not long enough for his head to touch the ground. The tall fellow must drink by spreading his front legs wide apart. And, though he feeds on greens, he could never feed himself by grazing in a meadow.

Actually, the giraffe is a browser. That is, he eats his greens from trees and branches. His favorite food is the acacia trees that grow all over the belt‑ of his African homeland. For this kind of dining, the giraffe’s neck is just the right length. What's more, he can use it to take a long view out over the countryside. He can keep a weather eye out for his enemy, the lion. Many a giraffe has run to safety because he saw trouble coming from way off. If you asked him, he would tell you that he wouldn’t trade that long neck of his for a shorter one.


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