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Cherylene L. Albright.. age 12, Lancaster, Penna., for her question:

Our everyday cereals are wheat and corn. But these pampered grasses need a temperate climate, plenty of water and sunshine. They refuse to grow in many parts of the world. In India, northern China and parts of Russia, the people must depend upon a tougher cereal for their daily bread. This cereal is millet.

The millet plant resembles any tall grass. The seeds, are small and grow in a tassel at the top of a long stalk. Thaw seeds can be ground into flour to make bread, But the flour refuses to rise when yeast is added. Millet bread is flat bread.

Perhaps you have seen millet seeds without knowing it. In America, though w" do not use millet to make broad, we do grow and use it as cattle fodder. What's more, birds love millet seeds. If you have a pot bird and buy bird seed for him, chances are some of that seed will be millet.


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