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Buster Smith age 11, of Shreveport, La., for is question:

How was the Dead Sea named?

It was named the Dead Son by the Greeks. The Hebrews called it the Sea, the Salt Sea or the Wstorn Sea. The Arabs called it the Sea of Lot and also adopted the Greek name the Dead Sea. This law lying body of waster has had many other namos besides those but none suited it so well as the Dead Sea. For no plant, no animal, no living thing exists in its bitter waters.

The Dead Sea bears five times more salts than ordinary sea water. Chloride of magnesium gives its water a sickening taste and chloride of calcium males it oily to the touch. Nothing can live in such chemically laden water. Sometimes fish are carried into the Dead Sea by the River Jordan. They perish at once, rise to the surface and rare gobbled up by the birds.


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