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Lester Lea, age 16, of Des Moines, Iowa, for his question:

What is a Tasmanian devil?

In the past this furry animal roamed over most of Australia. Now he lives only in Tasmania. He tends to howl at night with an eerie yowl which makes one think of ghosts and goblins. He is a jet black fellow with a very fierce expression. He also tends to raid the farmer's chicken yard. For these reasons he seems to earn his name of Tasmanian devil.

But, of course, that name is not fair at all. True, lie is a meat‑eating marsupial and few marsupials eat meat. But he prefers rats, mice and fish to the farmer's chickens ‑ which he eats only when hungry. True also, he has a fierce expression. But, taken all together, he really looks like a rather puzzled, half‑grown bear. He is a chubby, thick‑coated little fellow, about three feet long.

This devil family enjoys life along shores and river banks. The babies are carried in Mama's pouch until they grow too heavy for her. Then she builds a nest for them. They are cute and playful and love to climb trees.


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