Welcome to You Ask Andy


Dennis Philps age 11, of Royal Oak, B.C., for is question:

What is a kudu?

The kudu is an African antelope. H© is a large fellow, standing five foot at shoulder level. Fully grown, Mr. Kudu may weigh 704 pounds – as much as four pretty husky football players. His coat is grayish brown, striped with white down the sides, His handsome face is adorned with pitches of white and topped off with a pair of lame, donkey‑type ears.

Mr. Kudu most noticeable feature is a pair of huge magnificent horns. Each is a yard long and gracefully curved in a gentle spiral.. Mrs. Kudu wears no horns at all.

Being an antelope the kudu is a fast and graceful runner. He is also a champion jumper. He can race along in 30 foot leaps, bounding six foot above the ground.


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