Melissa Jensen, age 13, of Freeport, I11., for her question:


Washington Irving was the first American writer to gain fame in other nations, as well as at home.

Although he isn't widely read today, many still enjoy reading his fine storeis and essays.

Irving's stories reflect his genuine charm, sense of humor and pleasant disposition. Such characters as Rip Van Winkle and Ichabod Crane still bring smiles to new generations of readers. Also, New Yorkers have come to accept Irving's Knickerbocker legends as an improtant and enjoyable part of their history.

Today readers find Irving's works significant and accurate accounts of the world and events of his time.

Irving was born in 1783 in New York City. his father was a merchant who came from Scotland. He was the last of 11 children and was named George Washington. His older brothers encouraged his interest in reading and writing. He loved poetry and travel books but didn't care too much for school.

At 16 Irving entered a law office but didn't take the study of law seriously. He preferred to ramble over the Sleepy Hollow region or to sail up the Hudson.

At the age of 19, under the pen name of Jonathan Oldstyle, Irving wrote a series of letters for the New York Morning Chronicle. They were his first real literary work.

When he was 21, his brothers sent Irving to Europe for two years because of his health. When he returned from France, Italy and England, he had acquired much knowledge and culture. And he had regained his health. He also came back as a fine writer.

Irving wrote "Knickerbocker's History of New York," a mock account of the Dutch in New York and a book that satirized Thomas Jefferson's presidential administration. Then came "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," two tales from his "Sketch Book" that are still read in schools today.

In 1822, when he was 39 and after another European visit, he published "Bracebridge Hall," a tale that forms the basis for the Crhristmas musical that is presented annually now in Yosemite National Park.

He went back to Europe but returned in 1832, at the age of 49, after having spent a total of 17 years abroad. He was welcomed with enthusiam as a successful American writer. His attachment to the past and his romantic outlook made him very popular.

Irving purchased an estate on the Hudson River near Sleepy Hollow and spent most of the time writing. He was very popular but he refused offers of public office.

In 1842, at the age of 59, he accepted an appointment as Minister to Spain and served ably there for four years. He then returned home and spent the rest of his life writing.

He finished his monumental and scholarly "Life of George Washington" in 1859, when he was 76 years old. He died soon afterward and was buried near Sleepy Hollow."