Denise Gleason, age 1n, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for her question:

Is it true  that seaweed is good to eat?

Some people tell us that all rushes and other wild plants are good to eat.  But only an expert can be sure which  wild plants are safe to eat.  For many wild mushrooms that look just line the safe types actually contain deadly poisons.

It is true that some seaweeds are good to eat and also very nourishing. But for goodness sake, let's not try tasting the tufts of seaweed that wash up on the beaches. Chances are they are not good to eat and they may be dangerous. Besides, we all get a chance to sample the safe seaweeds    usually without knowing it. Giant help seaweeds are cleaned and processed to make puddings, ice cream and all sorts of good things on our daily diets.