Kiki Minsell, age 15, of Portland, Ore., for his question:


Hammurabi was one of the greatest kings of ancient Babylonia. He developed the "Code of Hammurabi," one of the first law codes in history. The stone slab on which the code was carved was discovered in Susa, Iran, in 1901.

Hammurabi also set up maximum prices and minimum wages, and gave his kingdom a fair, flexible and efficient system of taxation.

Hammurabi even found time for language reforms. His handling of the Akkadian language, in which the Code of Hammurabi was composed, became a model for all of the future writers of ancient Mesopotamia.

The Code of Hammurabi covered such methods as false accusation, witchcraft, military service, land and business regulations, family laws, tariffs, wages, trade, loans and debts.

The main principle of the code was that "the strong shall not injure the weak."