Gary Eckert, age 11, of Beaumont, Texas, for his question:


Aardwolf is the common name for an interesting carnivorous quadruped which is a four footed mammal that can be found living wild in southern and eastern Africa. The aardwolf is usually placed in the hyena family.
Unlike the hyena, which has only four toes on its forefeet, the aardwolf has five. For this reason it is sometimes placed in a family of its own.
The aardwolf stands about 20 inches high at the shoulder and is about 2 1/2 feet long. It is covered with long, coarse hair that is light buff in color, with an orange tint and dark brown bands.
At night the aardwolf leaves its burrow, traveling singly or in a troop to forage for carrion and insects, especially termites. When attacked, the aardwolf erects its mane, achieving a formidable appearance, and ejects a foul smelling fluid. Toward December the female aardwolf finds a burrow and bears a litter of two to four young.