Pam Buchner, age 11, of Helena, Mont., for her question:


The Valley of the Kings is a burial site that was used by Egyptian rulers of the New Kingdom period between 1570 and 1070 B.C. It is located on the west bank of the Nile River, opposite the modern town of Luxor.

Although the Valley of the Kings is only a few miles west of the river bank, the area is concealed by high cliffs and a long, narrow and winding entranceway.

Before the New Kingdom period, the kings of Egypt had built mortuary complexes consisting of pyramid tombs and accompanying temples. King Amenhotep I departed from tradition, building his temple closer to the river bank and concealing his tomb farther north and west, in the cliff. His successors continued this practice.

Thirty four tombs have been discovered at this site.

The last tomb was discovered there in 1922. It belonged to Tutankhamen of the 18th Dynasty. It was the only tomb to survive wholesale looting in ancient times. Although robbed twice, the tomb still contained more than 5,000 items buried with the young King Tut.