Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
How can water make electricity? Written by Andy Hits: 1108
What is the function of the federal reserve system? Written by Andy Hits: 1095
Where do dandelion seeds come from? Written by Andy Hits: 1450
How can a spider breathe under water? Written by Andy Hits: 2506
How can a snake swallow something bigger than himself? Written by Andy Hits: 1052
How deep do sunspots go? Written by Andy Hits: 1158
How can evergreens stay green through the wint Written by Andy Hits: 987
Do robins migrate singly, in pairs or in flocks? Written by Andy Hits: 4263
Why does a cat purr? Written by Andy Hits: 1251
Why are there no snakes in new zealand? Written by Andy Hits: 1803


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