Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
Which is the oldest college in america? Written by Andy Hits: 1809
What color are the eves of a rocky mountain goat? Written by Andy Hits: 1676
Are redwoods native only to california: Written by Andy Hits: 1924
Where does nutmeg come from? Written by Andy Hits: 1968
what exactly is peat moss? Written by Andy Hits: 1888
When was steam power discovered: Written by Andy Hits: 2591
Is a wigwam the same as a tepee? Written by Andy Hits: 1640
Why do some metals rust more than others? Written by Andy Hits: 2619
What is meant by a valuable watershed? Written by Andy Hits: 1698
What sort of animal is the agouti? Written by Andy Hits: 2177


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