Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
What sort of bird is a muscovy duck? Written by Andy Hits: 2305
Which is the up and down of a river? Written by Andy Hits: 2090
How was the pacific ocean formed? Written by Andy Hits: 8053
Could the lunar astronauts see the earth rotating? Written by Andy Hits: 3232
What does the word adolescence mean? Written by Andy Hits: 2605
Was washington's birthday the 11th or 22nd of february Written by Andy Hits: 2120
Do other planets have seasons? Written by Andy Hits: 3757
What is the life span of a common housefly? Written by Andy Hits: 2238
Why are insects attracted to a light? Written by Andy Hits: 2050
Is the earth's orbit a perfect circle? Written by Andy Hits: 2108


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