Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
What exactly is the zodiacal light? Written by Andy Hits: 1818
Why isn't there a father nature? Written by Andy Hits: 2351
Where do they find the mercury in thermometers? Written by Andy Hits: 1687
Has a comet ever hit the earth? Written by Andy Hits: 1995
What is the latest news on pulsars? Written by Andy Hits: 1610
Were the great lakes ever salty? Written by Andy Hits: 2379
How are fiords formed? Written by Andy Hits: 2187
What is a salmon fly? Written by Andy Hits: 1702
What exactly are anticyclones? Written by Andy Hits: 2123
why do sheep follow a goat? Written by Andy Hits: 2944


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