Dawn Engel, age 10, of Remsen, New York, for her question:

Is there a memorial to Johnny Appleseed?

We build memorials to honor the memory of heroes and famous people. They may be statues, parks or buildings, usually open to the public. As far as Andy knows, no one has built a memorial of this kind for Johnny Appleseed. However, we did something else to keep his memory alive. The story of his gentle life is part of American Folklore. It is handed down to each generation of growing children.

His name was John Chapman, and perhaps someone should have built a handsome memorial to honor him. Maybe it should stand in Massachusetts, where he was born in 1775, or in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where the gentle old man died in 1845. Or maybe it should be in Mansfield, Ohio, where he saved the people from massacre or in one of the many places he wandered, preaching and sowing appleseeds for over 40 years. But perhaps no one could think of a better memorial than to cherish and preserve the apple orchards he left behind    but in any case, none of us is likely to forget him