Welcome to You Ask Andy

John Sponsel, age 9, of Wichita, Kansas, for his question:

Where do most reindeer live?

The big, shaggy reindeer is at home just where you would expect him to be. Yes, he lives way up north in Santa Claus land, where the winters are long and very cold. As a rule, he is~tame or partly tame. The Eskimos of Canada and Alaska tend reindeer herds. Reindeer work for the people of Lapland and Finland and the far northern region of Asia. Most of them live along the cold Arctic Circle and travel with the people who live in these wintery regions.

Scientists tell us that the reindeer is really just a tame brother of the wild caribou. Both of them have thick coats and sturdy hoofs, just right for life in the frozen north. The woodland caribou lives in the mountain forests of Canada, almost as far south as Oregon and the Great Lakes. The barren ground caribou wanders the frozen plains, far north into the Arctic Circle.



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