Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1960

Title Author Hits
What is the platypus family of animals? Written by Andy Hits: 1202
What is osmosis? Written by Andy Hits: 1498
Is a moth a butterfly? Written by Andy Hits: 1172
What caused the ice ages? Written by Andy Hits: 1104
Who was leif ericson? Written by Andy Hits: 1537
How does ac travel through electric wires? Written by Andy Hits: 3741
What form of 1ife is a chigger ? Written by Andy Hits: 1252
Why shouldn't we buy a turtle with paint on his shell? Written by Andy Hits: 1849
How deep is the ice over the north pole? Written by Andy Hits: 1302
Do comets go in one direction? Written by Andy Hits: 2091


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