David Goodman, age 10’ of Shreveport., La,  for his question:

Is there life in the Sargasso Sea?

The Sargasso Sea, half as big as North America, is a sea within a sea. It is a windless region of calm waters and clear skies. This strange area, surrounded by the stormy Atlantiea is named for the sargassum seaweed, a brown alga which clogs its waters. Floating meadows of this weed have been locked in the Sargasso Sea for centuries. For the whole area is surrounded by a huge eddy of swirling ocean currents,

The brown meadows of seaweed support all kinds of small creatures, Like the seaweeds, they too are trapped forever in the calm Sargasso Sea. Flying fish nest in the floating weeds. Shrimps, crabs and countless marine crustaceans hide in the floating foliage. The weedy jungle shelters sea worms and larvae, The Sargasso, then is rich in both plant and animal life. All this life however, is near the surface. Below the floating meadows, the deep ocean reaches down two or three miles.