Welcome to You Ask Andy

Michael Settle, age 10,

Where is the continent of Atlantis?

On your spanking new gift globe you will find the continents of Europe and Asia, Africa and Australia, Antarctica and the two subcontinents of the New World ‑  But you will find no continent of Atlantis ‑ not even a country called Atlantis  Nevertheless, some people insist that a continent called Atlantis once existed somewhere out in the North Atlantic Ocean  North and South America

The ancient Greeks claimed that Atlantis was an island continent inhabited by a race of warriors who invaded and conquered parts of Europe and Africa, Then suddenly their homeland was struck with earthquakes and sank in a single night beneath the sea, This story is most likely imaginary, However, early traders may have found the restless Azores islands where volcanoes smoulder and often erupt, These reports may have been exaggerated and embroidered until they became the legend of the 1ost continent of Atlantis. 


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