Douglas Mariano, age 13, of Oriskany

Did our Indians come from India?

Long, long before the dawn of history mankind was a wanderer, 8e roamed with his family or his tribe across the wide land masses and sometimes crossed vast expanses of ocean to reach lonely islands and new continents  We have no written records of these wanderings and migrations and the scientists know only what they put together from scraps of evidence buried here and that®  The prehistory of mankind is largely ,shrouded in mystery 

Some think that most of the peoples of the world wandered out from a central tribe in the Middle East, in Egypt or in the Ganges region of Northern India  If this is so, our Indians and everyone else may have come originally from India, But in the more recent past, our Indians migrated to the New World from Asia, most likely across the Bering Strait.  Columbus, who found them here, called them Indians because he thought he had reached India