Sterling Mersereau, age 9, of Naswaas

Where do panthers live?

The handsome panther also is called the leopard. As a rule, he wears a spotted coat, but we sometimes find one who is as black as a Halloween cat. There are panthers in eastern Europe, in Burma, Malay, Ceylon and all over Inc,ia. They range over Africa except in the dry deserts of the Sahara. Most of theca enjoy life in the steamy jungles of the tropics, but the furry snow leopard makes his home in chilly Siberia.

The panther is a bit smaller than his cousins the~lion and the tiger. But he is quicker, fiercer and more clever than they are. Most hunters in the jungle would rather meet up with a lion or a tiger. For a panther often is the meanest and trickiest of all the big cats.