Welcome to You Ask Andy

Judianne Collies, age 17, of Winnipeg, Man., Canada, for her question;

Why is the summer hotter after June 22?

June 22nd is the day of the summer solstice, which makes it the longest day of the year. You would Expect the day having the most sunshine to be the hottest day of the year. But this is not so. The most scorching summer's heat comes in July and August when the sunny days are growing shorter.

The Earth gains its heat, of course, during the hours of sunlight. SOME of this Heat Escapes during the night. But after a hot day, most of the heat stays in the ground. It is added to the next day's heat. Day by day, the Earth adds to its store  of heat arid warms the weathery air above it. This takes thru and the hottest summer   Days arrive a month or two after the longest day of the year. 


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