How does a spider go from branch to branch?

The spider is one of the busiest; and cleverest of builders and all her building is done with the fine silken threads which come out of the tail end of her abdomen. Most of her work is done in the dewy morning and it is well worth while getting up very early to watch her small miracles. She knows several tricks to sling her silken ropes from bough to bough.

First she anchors one end of her cable firmly to a twig. She may then run around, trailing the silk behind her from one small branch to another. But more likely she will let herself fall and hang dangling from her thread. Back and forth she swings, helped by the soft breezes. She may swing near enough to land on the twig of her choice or she may land on the ground and climb up to where she wants to be   all the time trailing her cable behind her. When she gets set, she glues the second end of her cable and uses it as a tightrope.