Lesley Johnston# age 9~2  of Turlock,, California for his question;

How are baby ants born?

The fat Mama ant lays enough eggs to found a whole colony of ants. The eggs hatch into small white grubs and the grubs finally settle down into a pupas or chrysalis., stage. All this time they are carefully tended by nurse maid aunts and cousins, When they hatch from the pupa stage they too will take over duties in the busy colony.

Unlike bees, ants do not keep their young in separate eells in fact, the nursemaids are constantly moving them from one spot in the nest to another. Sometimes they drag the white pupae up for a sunbath in the open airy These helpless white pupae are very noticeable when the ants nest is broken open, They are often mistaken for ants' eggs though they may be as large as the scurrying nursemaids rushing them to safety,