Vance Cooney, age ?, of Spokane, Wash., for the question:

Is a rabbit’s foot really good luck?

Some people claim that a rabbit's foot brings them good luck and we cannot quarrel with their opinion. Andy, however, finds this idea rather gruesome because he feels a rabbit's foot really belongs on a bunny.

The idea of good luck charms dates back to before the dawn of history. Mankind was a hunter, always hoping for game to come his way. Somehow he got the notion that if he drew a bison he would find .^, bison, if he carried an antler he would sight a deer, if he had a rabbit's foot he would catch a bunny.

Actually, these good luck charms did not help at all, but some people still cling to them, They forget that times have changed and we no longer must depend on the luck of the hunter. All the meat we need comes from our handy local markets.