Erik Slangs age 8, of Brockville,, Ont., for his question;

Where does the gorilla live?

The gorilla dwells in the hot regions of Africa. The black gorilla haunts the slopes and mountains of eastern Africa9 Uganda and the Belgian Congo. His cousin, the lowland gorilla makes his home in the lush rain forests of equatorial Africa.

From his size and appearance, you might suppose the gorilla to be the fiercest animal in all of Africa. A full grown male may weigh 600 pounds, stand five and a half feet and stretch out his arm to cover a eight foot span. The muscles of his mighty chest and back are amazingly strong. His face, goodness knows, is fierce enough, but his roar sends shivers down the backs of all jungle dwellers. No wonder the fearsome beast has no natural enemies,

Yet for all this, the gorilla is a shy, gentle fellow. He never kills to eat, though he gives a good account of himself when his family is attacked. He can rout even a lion. Of human beings he is very, very shy, In fact, he is very rarely seen by people. As they approach he silently hides himself in the dense foliage. All sorts of wild tales are told about the fierceness of gorillas. The fact is, enough he much prefers not to tangle with the human race, he can and does fight furiously when his family is attacked or when he even thinks it is attacked.