Jay Van gchoicks age 13

Do plants have any need of oxygen?

We learn that plants pour forth oxygen into the air. In return they use up the carbon dioxide given off by people and animals. Yet plants use up oxygen. too. It is these gas substances that keeps their cells living.

Green plants give off oxygen only during the daylight hours; They breathe in oxygen day and night. During the daylights they give off more oxygen than they use  but the breathing process goes on none the less.

Oxygen enters the plant through tiny breathing pores. These little openings cluster on the underside of leaves. They are in stems and even in the roots of plants. Yes, a plant takes in oxygen from the loose soil around its roots. Few plants can live long in water‑logged soil„

Not only do plants need oxygen, like ourselves they give off carbon dioxide. This is the waste gas from the breathing process of plants as well as from animals. And the plant is giving it into the air even during the daylight hours when it is pouring forth so much oxygen for all the world to breathe.