Elliott Blevinsk age 11, of Wichita, Kansas.

When was uranium discovered?

The first inkling that uranium existed was discovered in 1789. it was discovered by a German scientist named Martin Kraproth. He discovered an oxide of the brand new element. An unknown element is a very exciting discovery. And this name just a few years after another exciting discovery in 1781, a newly discovered planet had been added to the Solar System.

This planet was the first discovered by the telescope. The world was still agog about it. It was named Uranus in honor of the Greek god of the ocean. Kraproth named his newly discovered element in honor of the newly discovered planet. He called it uranium. even though he had not perfected a purified form of the element. The pure form of uranium was not isolated until 1841, 52 years after the oxide of the element had been discovered

The new element was fascinating. It is, of course  radioactive.  That is  its large atoms are forever breaking down into smaller ones. The precious element is changing step by step into a heavy form of lead. During the long long process. it gives off radioactive energy.

For a long time uranium was thought to be a very rare element. When the atomic age dawned it was in great demand. It is one of the radioactive elements used to create atomic energy. Naturally a great search began for the worlds supply of uranium.

The precious element is hidden in certain ores. It never occurs in large lumps  like gold or silver. It is scattered in small traces. But it is now believed that the world has more uranium than gold or silver.

The problem is to find the ores in which it is most plentiful. One of the richest .uranium ores is pitchblende. The pitchblende deposits of the Belgian Congo in Africa yield up to 50 per cent pure uranium. This is a very high percentage. Other good ores axe uranite and oarnotite.

The United States has supplies of oarnotite. It is a canary yellow often occuring in powdery form. Lots of this oarnotite is hidden in the region of the Colorado Plateau. Prospectors use Geiger counters to hunt for uranium hidden in this ancient volcanic region. These detective gadgets as everyone knows  start to click fast when near any form of radioactivity.

The ore is worth mining when the uranium content is one‑tenth of one per cent. The purified element is a nickel‑white metal. It is heavier than lead and melts at 262 degrees Fahrenheit. Uranium has other user besides atomic energy.  Its compounds are used to color glass and porcelain A speck of uranium added to glass at the proper time turns it a beautiful amber color.