Tony Golden age 12 of Willamsport, s PA

What is T.N.T.?  _

There is an innocent chemical called toluono, It is a clear, liquids. Toluene may be collected from the vapor of‑coke ovens. Or, it may be distilled from coal tar: Much of it is used in the manufacturing of dyes.

When treated in ‑a very special way with nitrate, toluene loses its gentleness. It become,, the high explosive called T.N.T. for short. It is in the form of pretty crystals rang‑j.n_ :Ln colors from pale yellow to reddish brown, Actually, several forms of T,N.T, can be made by nitrating toluene, All are high explosives.

You may look at the pretty crystals without fear of an explosion, An expert may even handle them rub them together,, or drop a few. As a high explosive T.N.T. is far safer to handle than say., nitroglycerine which explodes without an excuse, But with the proper detonator, tri‑vitro‑toluene explodes faster than you can say T .N .T So let’s leave the handling of it to the experts.