Bobby Thompson, age 9, of Petersburg,, Va,, for his question:

What does it look like on the other side of the moon

No one had ever seen the other side of the moon, until the Apollo 8  astronauts flew around the moon. However, we knew a few facts about it and can guess at a few more, Both sides of the moon go through a day and night period. For the moon spins on its axis. It spins once while it makes an orbit circle around the earth, So its day and night period last almost four of our weeks. Every part of the moon has a day lasting two weeks and a night lasting; two weeks.

All of the moon is made of the same kind of rocks and other material, Our side of the moon is pitted and marked with round craters and sharp ridges. These make the shadows that are the face of the Man in the Moon.  The other side of the moon is also marked with craters and ridges.

The one big difference between the two sides of the moon is in the view. Our side of the moon has a view of the beautiful earth, The far side of the moon gets no such view. There is no glowing world above in its sky.