Ronnie James Berry, 1. 0, of Tuscon, Arizona for his question:

How long did it take Columbus to sail‑ from Spain to America

The three little ships set forth at dawn. It was the morning of August 3, 1492. The admiral of the little fleet was Christopher Columbus. The ships were the Nina, the Pinta and his ship, the Santa Maria. Only the great sailor himself was full of faith and hope for the voyage. And not even he guessed that it was to be the most famous ocean voyage in the history of the whole world,

It was necessary to put into the Canary Islands for repairs. The Pinta had lost her rudder when only three days out froth the home port of Palos harbor. This caused some delay, The little fleet did not leave the Canaries until September 9, thirty‑.seven days after leaving Spain.

The rest of the journey was across wide uncharted stretches of the Atlantis Ocean. Time after time the crew wanted to turn about, so full of fear were they, Somehow Columbus held them in line. Land was sighted at 2 a.m, on the morning of October 12, 1492. The seaman who first saw it was named Rodrigo de Triana. The fearful voyage over the strange part of the ocean had taken 33 days. Altogether, with the stop‑over in the Canaries, the famous voyage took sixty days.