Rosalind Carter age 13 of Victoria BC

Where is the native home of the hamster?

The hamster was named with an old German word for weavil. The fat! furry fellow burrows into the ground much as a weavil insect burrows into plants, His name gives a clue as to his native home. The hamster is most common in Germany and central Europe. He has cousins in parts of Asia and one hamster cousin lives in Siberia and changes into a white fur coat for the winter season.

We have all seen the cheerful little brown animal in pet shops. He makes a fine pet, However, he sometimes lives up to his name and bores a hole into the furniture. All these pets are descended from hamsters brought here from the Old World, For the furry fellow is not native to the Americas. The original hamsters are thought to have been brought here from Asia perhaps from Syria.

In southern Europe the little hamster is often a serious pest to the farmer. He digs his tunnels all over the place: He stuffs himself full of crops plants. As if this isn't enough nuisance the hamster is a great hoarder, His burrows are built with large pantry chambers. Come fall the little fellow gather in bushels of grain cereals, root crops and other food which does not ' 'Long to him.