Eddie Ruth Murray age 12, of Nashville Tenn:

How cold Is it in Siberia?

The north eastern part of Siberia has the reputation for being the coldest place in the worlds However, the climate is not so uncomfortable as you might imagine: For blizzards and piercing winds are very rare  Also, the air is pleasantly dry during most of the coldest season: Winter temperatures in the coldest part of Siberia average minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit.  And winter lasts from September to June. In this areas summer temperatures average 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Further south, the freezing weather lasts from October until April, In the far north, the ground thaws for only a few months in the year, Here only little mosses and lichens can grow. Further south the land is covered with thick forests of majestic pine and fir that thrive in cool climates,

There was a time when Siberia was considered a dreadful place for exiles. Nowadays, people are moving into the vast, chilly territory of their own free will. It is a challenge to those sturdy ones who love to open up new frontiers.