Kathryn McCaguej age 12yr of Columbus, Ohio,

 What is a metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis is coined from two older words meaning beyond and form, It means a change over from once form or shape to another, It is used in several branches of sciences;

In chemistry, metamorphosis means the change of one substance to another substance, In plant or animal biology it means the change of one kind of tissue to another. A baby’s soft cartilage goes through a metamorphosis when it becomes hard bone;

Metamorphosis however, is most common in the world of zoology. A tadpole certainly changes from one form to another when he becomes a frog, lie changes from a water breathing fish animal into an air breathing land animal. He goes through a metamorphosis.

The insects are the great ones for going through metamorphosis. A caterpillar goes through metamorphosis to become a chrysalis, He‑goes through another when the chrysalis becomes a winged insect.